Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb 25 2014

ya girl is a sophomore at Cal (GO BEARS!)
still single and swingin' lolol who is da ONE for me?
course load at the moment: bio 1a & lab, anthro, education, and filipino.
struggling to be a good person esp. with the differing opinions this place
has and not really sure how to go about life?
Not sure what I want to be anyways...except happy and fit and feeling
happy that I'm fit. but yknow.

got an A-line bob cut! I feel great and I sometimes miss my long hair but I've learned to deal
and really be happy about this hair. woo!

Lent is coming up. I'm trying to:
-cut down the junk food
-swim/exercise more
-cut down on social media
-learn a new saint every day/week?
-pray a decade every day
-try to be more patient
-refrain from talking too much
